Flats Sale in Srikakulam Vmrda
Flats Sale in Srikakulam Vmrda :
Srikakulam is one of the good and developing cities of India. Flats Sale in Srikakulam vikram paradise in PN colony 6th lane. However, It’s always a developing city in Asia. Most NRIs Investors/candidates are willing to invest in srikakulam center.
Vizag is the safest city in India, and srikakulam is very close to vizag and safest district. Buy or invest on srikakulam flats in pn colony for better returns.
Investing in land or Flat is only the way to be rich in sleeping.
Vikram paradise is located in 6th line of PN colony , is a good builder have good experience in construction field from 10 years.
Now Srikakulam center is developed well , and district it self has so many Tourist places, devotional places, Beautiful beaches, even close to BhogapuramAirport.
Hence, many investors are willing to invest in lands or similarly on Flats for sale in SRIKAKULAM vmrda.
For instance flat cost is very less and reasonable – know the diffrance.
Always This is the right time to invest in Srikakulam apartments.
Flats available in 6th lane of Pn colony , very close to prime location where location is surrounded by so many hospital, bus complex .
In addition, Day by day flat costs will increase.
Therefore keep investing in Srikakulam flats.
After that dont forget to visit the famoue temple srikuram.
In conclusion, Everyone likes to keep investing on ready to occupy flats.
Flat details:–
Area / Extent : 1220 sft
Size :
Facing : North
Dimensions :
flat front facing the road in feet : 30 feet
Cost per sft : 4950/-
Total cost : 58 lacks /- (approximately)
Type of Land / Plot:
Residential Flat: yes
Loan facility : YES
Location : Pn colony , 6th lane
Land mark : near hospital xone
Distance from national highway: 300 meters
Route —> : brts road just about to 50 meters
Distance from bhogapuram Airport: 45 km
Distance from seashore : 9 km
DISTRICT : Srikakulam
Highlights of Venture:
- Resale Flat
- complete residential area
- Ready to occupy
- Just 300 meters away from the prime location
- Excellent developments in vikram paradise,
- Underground drains,
- Gardens
- Children play area
- lift
- back up generator.
- car parking
- well maintain flats